Let's face it, folks. The present day internet is a pain-fractal, made out of porn, gaslighting, and surveilance. There's nothing good about it, there's nothing cool about it, and there's nothing safe about it. Anyone who isn't completely sucked into their phone is well aware of the hellscape Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg unleished on society ("...gee, things weren't always this crazy!").


The only way we're going to start to move out of this is to "self-host" as much of your life as possible. Right now, the likes of Google, Microsoft, and the other soft-handed creeps in Silicon Valley are getting *fucking fat* off of your info, and they're siphoning off your soul sheerly through your own laziness. It's the McDonalds principle all over again, folks.

Here are a few ideas toward this concept.

Static websites

A large portion of your average mouthbreathing phone user population spends their time bashing out long winded rants on social with their grubby little thumbs. First of all, this fuels the social media monster directly. By posting YOUR thoughts to THEIR website, they are no longer your thoughts alone. To hear your thoughts, it is no longer possible or socially acceptable to hear them directly from you. The easy thing is to hook everyone you know on your platform of choice. As the platform gets larger, it spreads into every single nook and cranny of our rotting post-modern culture like the fucking blob, eating up small business websites/book clubs and shitting out pasteurized, gatekept garbage that makes the world a duller place.

I hearby recommend all who are reading this to go ahead and make an account with neocities, purely the get YOUR voice heard while removing yourself from the Kafkaesque nightmare of the big-tech machine. Don't give them your words, don't give them your effort. If you didn't know already, there are algorithmic methods to digest your writing view deep learning neural networks to profile your psyche on an invasive basis. Amazingly, a lot of these efforts on the part of the social media corporations are not hidden at all. Self-profiling and self-reporting have been conditioned into our society on all levels, and it would appear that most don't even see it.

Web apps/dynamic content

This is surprisingly easy to work around. Once upon a time, I helped someone puruse their own social media website just so I could get the experience. Throwing phpbb up on hostgator and hacking the shit out of it works, and its easy to tack shit on their. We managed to